By Editors Team on Wednesday, 09 July 2014
Category: Interviews

Shine On Running

"I believe that God made me for a purpose. But he also made me fast and when I run, I feel his pleasure. Bring to me my chariots of fire."

After years of training and amateur competition, Eric Liddell, the devout son of Scottish missionaries, was ready to make his mark in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Eric's teammate on the British Olympic squad was Harold Abrahams, an Englishman of Jewish descent. One man ran for the glory of God, while the other ran to overcome prejudice. Both men thrilled from the adrenaline rush of the race.

Under the direction of Coach Sam Mussabini, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams would go on to win medals in Olympic competition. As the movie Chariots of Fire shows so clearly, Eric and Harold would win glory but not at any cost.

Proper training, a sense of ethics and unimpeachable morals would set these runners on a course for Olympic fame. It is the stuff of which legends are made. It is in the tradition of Coach Mussabini and runners like Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams that Meghan Ryan's Shine On Running was founded.

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Is running your passion, or perhaps, is it a refreshing change from your indoor gym routine, which has become a little too familiar? Whatever your reason, running is also a great excuse to go to the park or LIC waterfront and get back in touch with nature.

Whether you're a novice or a more experienced runner who has hit a wall, Meghan Ryan has all the answers to the questions you've been wanting to ask. A trainer and running coach based out of Equinox Fitness in Manhattan, Meghan can help you elevate your game and take running to the next level. Running has been a part of Meghan's life ever since she can remember.

Meghan first discovered the joy of running when she was only 4 years old. Going out and running on local streets made Meghan feel free and joyful. It just seemed to speak to this active little girl. And as Meghan grew older, the runs became a bit more organized and purposeful.

Now a young woman, Meghan's passion for running led her to Stetson university's Division 1 NCAA Cross Country Program. Stetson's program took Meghan on the road as a competitor in several marathon and ultramarathon races. Meghan's first marathon took place in France while she was studying abroad.

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It was also her most challenging, Meghan told us. It opened up a new vista of running in a major milieu.

Here, Meghan found the competitive spirit that she had been nurturing through solo runs and training. Meghan is a woman of many letters and accomplishments. A professor of health, fitness and running, she holds credentials from the Road Runners Club of America and the American College of Sports Medicine. Shine On began as a personal mantra for Coach Meghan, as she grew as a person, coach and runner. For her, and for you as well, running has become more than a daily training regimen. Meghan's mission is to help you create a strong mind and body for a lifetime of running.
Meghan explained that part of her integrative training philosophy is to gradually develop a customized program suited for her clients' needs and goals.

We start in small steps. Meghan told us about her coaching style. I want to see how the program progresses with each individual. As a coach-mentor, Meghan wants you to train smartly. Or, as coach puts things... helping someone achieve their goals as a runner is all about respecting clients' current limitations while also challenging their boundaries.
When she's not running or coaching up a client, Meghan is also a coffee enthusiast (fair trade and organic). Meghan enjoys going on coffee-tasting adventures which take her from Oslo, on the Upper East side, to 30th Avenue's Create Cafe, to the very hip and environmentally conscious Coffeed, on Northern Blvd. in L.I.C.

By its nature, running is a solitary form of exercise. But it doesn't have to be, especially when a personable professional like Meghan Ryan is available to run step by step right by your side. The only limitations that exist are those that you set for yourself. If you tell yourself that you can't do something, then it's game over before you get out of the starting gate.

Let Meghan and Shine On help you break boundaries and live a more fulfilling life, as both a runner and person.
Learn more about Coach Meghan at

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